Eastern   Nutrition

Eastern and Western, What's the difference?         

      Most often Western nutrition focus on biochemical ingredients of food and its effects. Eastern nutrition emphasize on balancing and harmonizing body function. 

      What does this mean exactly? This means that we investigate the imbalances of an individual and choose the appropriate foods to adjust the imbalance. For example, if someone has excess heat, such as irritable, poor sleep, feel hot, sweating easily, dark colored urination, dry stool. This person can benefit from eating cooling watermelon, pears, cucumber, and celery etc.  On the other hand, hot natured food is inappropriate at this time, enen it is nutrious. 

What's the main idea of Eastern Nutrition     

      Many factors, such as weather and seasons changes, diet, lifestyle, family and work stress, social and financial situation etc. affect our body function.

Different food have their own Si Qi Wu Wei, four functions and five tastes. For example, fresh ginger has pungent taste, can help release exterior symptoms, such as cold and flu.  Choose food to match our body's situation are necessary to help we stay balanced and healthy.

      Embracing a new dietary lifestyle shouldn’t be restrictive but more so looking at food differently, paying attention to how you feel, and being aware of your needs and wants. Variety and moderation are one of the key.

      A typical diet proportions consist of 40-50% vegetables, 10% fresh fruits, 30-40% whole grains, 10% lean proteins, 10-20% legumes/nuts/seeds.  

   One of the basic ideas about Eastern nutrition include eating warm cooked foods versus cold raw foods, warm cooked foods are more easily digested and is less taxing on the digestive system. For example, If a person tends to have loose stool, bloating, can benefit from avoiding raw vegetables.

How to select foods to improve our health?

      Each individual has own body constitution. First we evaluate the whole body to get the specific Traditional Chinese Medicine pattern diagnosis. Then we recommend food selection accordingly. 

      Diet changes facilitate our body gain balance and stay healthy. Currenty free Eastern Nutrition consultation is provided as one type adjacent treatment.

Updated on 1-3-2023

By Weiyan Liu,  L. Ac (Illinois), M. D., M. S.(China)